- Associate Professor at CentraleSupélec
- Member of Laboratory of Optical Materials, Photonics and Systems (LMOPS). Team - Control and Optical Sensors
- Pedagogical Delegate at CenltraleSupélec - responsable of implementation ot New Curriculum at Metz campus
- Responsable of teaching project "in-line measurements using wave engineering" at CentraleSupéle
- National University Council (CNU) qualifications in sections :
28 - Dense Media and Materials
30 - Diluted Media and Optics
63 - Electrical engineering, electronics, photonics and systems
- Member of French Group of Vibrational Spectroscopy (GFSV)
- Member of French Optical Society (SFO)
- Member of European Optical Society (EOS)
- Member of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
- Referee/Reviewer : Journal of Applied Physics (American Institute of Physics) - IF 2.06
Journal MDPI Crystals - IF 1.5
Journal MDPI Materials - IF 2.6
Journal MDPI Applied Sciences - IF 1.7
Journal IEEE Sensors
Research Topics:
Raman backscattering and transmission scattering spectroscopy
Characterization of ferroelectric materials.
Studies of photorefractive crystals.
Materials for high-temperature wireless SAW (Surface Acoustic Waves) sensors.
Materials for laser applications.
Use of statistical chemometrical tools, Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Design of optical sensors for industrial applications.
Lorraine University
​PhD in Physics (Materials Science and Optics)
​Laboratory of Optical Materials, Photonics and Systems (LMOPS)
​Title : Studies of photo-electrostrictive effects in photorefractive LiNb03 by polarized Raman spectroscopy
​PhD defense : 30th of January, 2015
Yerevan State University
Master's Degree (with honor)
Department of Solid State Physics
Internship : Institute for Physical Researches (IPR), National Academy of Science of Armenia
Yerevan State University
Bachelor Degree (with honor)
Department of Solid State Physics